Poem on unfinished tales, forbidden fate and impossible endings.

1 min readMay 25, 2022
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

It was night or morning?
Who cares?

They both were different
like leather and gold,
but still fit together
like a button slides into a loop.

Rough it seemed the sight ahead
to the locals and passerby
outlandish it seemed the stones along
to the dearest and prized.
But she satiated her worry
for the time being by recalling
that she enjoys uncertain roads.

The end of yesterday
was a new beginning for today
or at least was supposed to be so.

But someday,
the fastened shirt will have to unbutton.

The closed files of lacerated past
pressed with the cloth of pretence
will have to be touched and ungauzed, again.

Are you courageous enough?
was the appropriate question.
Are you that selfish?
was only she could manage to ask.

And that’s it.

One more unfinished story
without a climax,
lies and mysteries untouched.
One more incomplete tale
without any hope of a sequel,
truth and truths remain veiled.




I am a pastiche of every character I have ever liked, loved and hated.