Learn German with Me: Day 9 -Regular Verbs and Sentence Making

To live, play, dance, say, ask in German

3 min readMar 20, 2022
Photo by Eden Constantino on Unsplash

Guten Abend(Good Evening)

Today we will learn to conjugate regular verbs. The key difference between irregular and regular verbs is that the latter always follows the same rules (we will discuss this in detail later). And as always, I have an amazing video for you here.

Wunderbar! (wonderful!)

Conjugation of Regular Verbs

Let’s break down what we saw-

  1. Conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense with ich(I) always ends with e.
  2. Conjugation of verbs for du(sin. inf. you) always ends with st.
  3. Conjugation of verbs are same for Er/es/sie(he/she/it) and ihr(inf. pl. you).
  4. Conjugation of verbs are same for wir(we)/sie(they)/Sie(f. you) that is the pure form of the verb. For example- wir wohnen/sie wohnen/Sie wohnen.
  5. Some more regular verbs with their meanings-

Kommen — to come

Fragen — to ask

Machen — to do

Spielen — to play

Studieren — to study

Lernen — to learn

Hören — to hear

Sagen — to say

Tanzen — to dance

Warten — to wait

Antworten –to ask

Let's make sentences.

1. Ich wohne in Berlin.(I live in Berlin)

2. Du reist sehr viel.(You travel a lot.)

3. Ein Hund tanzt.(The dog is dancing)

4. Sie arbeitet viel.(She works a lot.)

5. Das Kind learnt. (The child is learning)

6. Wir handeln mit Bitcoin.(We trade with Bitcoin)

7. Sie spielen mit meinen Gefühlen.( They play with my feelings.)

8. Ihr ändert mich.(You(all) are changing me.)

9. Sie warten hier, bitte.(You wait here, please)(to a stranger or adult)

Vocabulary Building
  • Revision phrase — Woher kommst du? (Where are you from?) *answer this in German in the comments.
  • Use Wiktionary for finding pronunciations.
  • After you finish reading this, go to Duolingo and complete the second level of RESTAURANT and the first level of PLACES.

That’s all for today. It is alright if you cannot understand this in one go. We have more lessons on verbs and sentence making. If you liked my approach, please tap the clap button and share this with your friends who want to learn new languages. Please follow me and tell me in the comments section how can I improve this language guide. If you are looking for the book I am using, it is THIS.

Also, read my other articles 5 Effective Tips to Learn New Languages and 5 Mistakes You Must Not Do While Learning a New Language.

Danke! Tschüss.




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