5 Tips to Expand Your Vocabulary

Tried and tested techniques to build a vast vocabulary.

6 min readAug 26, 2022

Do you struggle to find the right words to express your thoughts? Do you forget words? Do you find reading academic texts difficult because of your limited vocabulary? It’s not just you. There are numerous people whose elocution and writings are hindered by a lack of a strong vocabulary.

Here are five tried and tested methods to expand your vocabulary.


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Reading is the most effective strategy to increase vocabulary. You’ve probably heard it a million times, yet the majority of you may not know how to read or what to read.

If you want to improve your vocabulary, one of the most effective tools is to read fiction. Fictional content creates vivid images in the mind, which helps our brain remember the term and their usage for a longer period of time. Words are utilised with great precision in fiction writing to create a link with the imaginary realm and to stimulate the emotions of the readers. It also makes use of intriguing metaphors, which aids in the development of creative thinking. I’d want to recommend hundreds of books, ranging from popular fantasy novels like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings to works by Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, and Charles Dickens. However, whatever book is ideal for you depends on a number of things. So, for the time being, I’ll offer two books that have really helped me in developing my vocabulary.

  1. The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle
    Some may hate me for stating this, but if not more, this tale is as thrilling as Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.
  2. Delhi- City of Djinns by William Dalrymple
    I adore Dalrymple and would suggest any of his books to anybody.

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Read humorous or bizarre articles and blogs. I’ve noticed that I recall words from comical, caustic, strange, or controversial texts better than those from typical articles. These articles or stories may not be very informative or include many new words, but I believe it is worthwhile to learn one new word for your lifetime by reading a five-minute article.

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2. Write

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

When you learn a new term, write it down with its definition somewhere. Try to incorporate the word in a sentence to express something that happened during the day whenever you get the opportunity. If you can’t do that, compose an unusual or strange statement using that word. When you create an original sentence that illustrates your life or feelings or even a fake sentence invented by your subconscious mind then your brain saves the sentence in both the memory section and the linguistics section which makes it harder to forget. This strategy is also beneficial while writing or conversing. It increases the probability of recalling words learnt from books or articles in ordinary discussions or while composing messages, answers, etc. Simply because you’ve used it in a personal context before.

We recall things better when we write them down with a pen or pencil. When we read a new word, our brain generates a judgment report pertaining to it. Consider a word you’re hearing for the first time —


Is it an easy or complicated word?
Does it feel like a noun or a verb or an adjective?
Have I read this word somewhere before?
What other words does trundle remind me of?
What kind of image trundle creates in the mind?
What would it mean in contrast to all the words I know?

Let’s answer these.
1. It is an easy word in writing and as well as pronunciation.
2. It seems like a noun or a verb.
3. None that I remember.
4. Trundle reminds me of bundle or tumbles down.
5. It creates a chaotic image in the mind.
6. It would either mean clustered hastily together or suddenly losing balance.

Share your answers in the comments.

These are the thoughts that came to my mind when I heard the word trundle for the first time. So the point is that our brain calculates all this and transmits it as instinct. We remember not just the word and the context in which we read it, but also our thoughts and feelings about it.

3. Use A Thesaurus

A Thesaurus is a treasure book. It is the easiest way to explore the vast and diverse English lexicon.

Very happy — exhilarated, delighted, ecstatic, elated, thrilled, etc.
Sad — dejected, wretched, crestfallen, in despair, demoralized, etc.

Underappreciated are the phenomenal changes brought about by replacing a basic word with a word that conveys more information about the circumstance. When reading a novel, we frequently overlook the words that the author has substituted for simpler ones in order to enhance the meaning of the text.This is where Thesaurus comes into play. Using a thesaurus not only improves your writing abilities, but it also makes you a more observant reader, which increases your capacity to develop your vocabulary.

Take the example of the word we used above —

  1. Raja dragged the lorry down the hill noisily.
    Raja trundled the lorry down the hill.

Fewer words, same meaning, and intensified impact.
Trundle > Drag

4. Watch and Play

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Watch documentaries, movies/series, or educational videos. Watching entertaining or informative films can help improve communication skills in addition to improving diction.

Word games may appear monotonous at first, but trust me when I say they are a lot of fun. Crossword puzzles and find-a-word games sharpen memory and improve critical thinking. These are also beneficial for improving orthography.

5. Communicate

Photo by Andrea Sánchez on Unsplash

Try talking about a new topic with a friend. You can also converse with yourself about an imagined situation or a current issue. You might talk about your thoughts on the subject and try to frame-unframe-reframe the phrases to create crisp and impactful arguments.
The topic may be a recent movie you saw, a social or political issue, a book you read, or an incident that happened during the day, etc.
It is a worthwhile and thought-provoking practice.

*Trundle in definition is a verb meaning to move or make something heavy move, slowly and noisily.

I’ll be waiting for your feedback and opinions in the comment box. At the very least, leave a heart! Don’t forget to follow me for such fun tips. Till then, take care.

Haaappyyyy Reeaddiinggg!.




I am a pastiche of every character I have ever liked, loved and hated.